
536 Barstow Road Barstow, CA 92311

Phone Number

(760) 979-2539

Veteran Resources

About Veteran Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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The VA provides burial benefits to eligible Veterans in national cemeteries, including a gravesite, grave opening/closing, headstone, flag, and a Presidential Memorial Certificate, at no cost. Some Veterans may also qualify for burial allowances. Cremated remains are afforded the same honors. Spouses and dependents may be buried with the Veteran, with inscription on the headstone, also at no cost. Required documents for these benefits include the DD-214, death certificate, funeral bills, marriage certificate, and birth certificate. Families should make funeral arrangements directly with a provider, with those costs at their expense.